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文章出处:http://www.qingfeijixie.cn/ 人气: 0 发表时间:2022-10-19
For multi-storey residential buildings, the products equipped with elevators are generally garden houses. The choice of elevators for garden houses and villas is mainly based on quality. Therefore, the villa elevator is generally decorated for the second time. This requires attention to the reserved weight and weak current function of the elevator when designing and selecting the elevator.
The reserved weight of 1000 (1050) KG for decoration is generally 250~400KG without upgrading the system. Because the height of multi-storey residential buildings is not high, the self weight of accompanying cables and wire ropes is relatively light, so they can generally reach the reserved weight for decoration. Secondly, we need to pay attention to the connection between the elevator and the weak current information system of the residential area.
The garden house has the product type of elevator entry, which requires setting the elevator permission, and the owner will swipe the card to select the floor. For visitors, the owner can link with the elevator after confirmation by the intercom system. Authorization given to visitors at the destination level. It involves the connection between the visual intercom system and the elevator control system.
The subdivision of villa products is generally divided into single family, row and stack. The development of villa products by developers can be divided into two situations: elevator configuration and reserved conditions. In any case, according to the characteristics of the product, we will use non room, low load, low-speed villa elevator products.
For products with reserved conditions, developers generally reserve elevator hoistways while the owners purchase the elevators themselves during the second decoration. When the hoistway is reserved, the structure will generally have an opening at the floor, and beams will be set around the opening for reinforcement. If the hoistway size is too small, the owner will remove the beam and then reinforce it, leaving a potential safety hazard. Therefore, the hoistway shall be reserved according to the size. Due to the low load and low speed of the villa elevator. No additional cost will be added when the owner purchases the elevator.
The elevators configured for super high-rise buildings basically tend to be high speed, heavy load and large machine room. This is also determined by the characteristics of super high-rise buildings. The building height is high and the lifting height is high, so the corresponding traction system is required to be high. Therefore, the overall parameter configuration must be improved to meet the transportation capacity requirements. For super high-rise buildings, we usually set them in different zones. For ordinary medium and high rise buildings, the elevator configuration basically tends to be small machine room, common speed and basic load capacity. For multi-storey and villa elevators, the basic trend is no machine room, low load and low speed. However, the top scour height and foundation pit size will increase with the increase of load.
The above is a detailed introduction of the villa home elevator for you. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with our attitude http://www.qingfeijixie.cn