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文章出处:http://www.qingfeijixie.cn/ 人气: 0 发表时间:2022-05-24
When the hydraulic elevator is put into use, maintenance is a very important skill, and in order to better put into use, the hydraulic elevator is also continuously improved, mainly to prolong the service life of the hydraulic elevator and improve the service capacity of the hydraulic elevator, so as to better put into production.
The use and maintenance of the hydraulic elevator is divided into two parts: one is the year-end maintenance of the elevator, and the other is the maintenance every day and every month when in use. The effects of these two words are different, and the effects are also different when in use. The main reason is that the intensity of the two is different.
Year end maintenance of elevator
Check all hydraulic pipes and joints. Pipes shall not be damaged and joints shall not be loose. All joints must be tightened.
Disassemble the plunger and blow it down again with compressed air.
Drain and discard the hydraulic oil, tighten the joint, take out the oil filter, clean it with compressed air after washing, then put it back into the oil tank and connect the pipeline.
Replace with new oil and do not continue to use old oil. Otherwise, the moving parts in the hydraulic elevator system will accelerate wear.)
Monthly maintenance of elevator
Check the roller, intermediate shaft and bearing of hydraulic elevator, oil cylinder pin shaft and bearing, boom hinge shaft and bearing for wear.
All parts are filled with some lubricating oil to prolong the service life of elevator bearing.
液压油的油质和油位。升降机全程升起,在这位置时,液压地面应高出箱底 40~50
Quality and level of hydraulic oil. The elevator is raised in the whole process. When in this position, the hydraulic ground should be 40 ~ 50 higher than the bottom of the box
Mm. If it is found that the hydraulic oil is dark, sticky or there are foreign matters such as gravel,
It shall be replaced in time
The maintenance of hydraulic elevator plays a very important role. Just like people, eating some calcium tablets and fruits every day is to supplement calcium and vitamins, which will make people's body healthier. The maintenance of hydraulic elevator has the same significance as human maintenance.
The above is a detailed introduction to the guide rail lifting platform. I hope it will be helpful to you If you have any questions, please contact us We will provide you with professional service